Thinking of Leaving?
Perhaps your relationship isn’t going as well as you always hoped it would. When this happens, it’s not uncommon to start considering Separation.
See our Frequently Asked Questions section below to find our helpful checklist to follow. This list can help you to start collating your important documents, starting with changing all your passwords.
Once you have left.
The period immediately following a separation can feel incredibly overwhelming. KMJ Family Law will help guide you through the right next steps. We are a very experienced and empathetic team; no need to feel concerned if you are still in shock or experiencing the rollercoaster of emotions that come with grief. We are here to guide you with advice and support to navigate the areas of parenting orders, property settlements, financial agreements and more.
Going to court is expensive, time-consuming and very stressful. Our team will do all they can to help you meditate with your ex-partner, take ownership of your dispute and keep you out of the courtroom (unless it’s not safe for you of course).
Your family. Your future. Our experience.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Call us. Let’s chat.
Every situation is different but here is our top 10 list of things we suggest you do next.
+ Change your passwords. Do this immediately. Now. All of them. Including your bank pin.
+ Back up your computer. Have you changed your passwords yet?
+ Maintain your well-being. Start by talking to your GP and consider counselling.
+ Record the date you officially separated as you must be separated for one year before you can apply for a divorce,
+ Start a diary so you can keep a record of interactions and negotiations/agreements with your ex-partner. Especially if children are involved.
+ Store your important documents safely e.g. birth certificate, passport, property documents, insurance policies, bank statements, car registration etc
+ Store valuables safely too such as jewellery, artwork etc.
+ Update your important documents: Your Will, Super/Insurance payouts and revoke any power of attorney
+ Separate your money: Open a separate bank account and stop any automatic payments. Cancel joint credit cards, joint loans, utilities etc
You will need to work out who pays what.
+ Let your children’s school know what’s going on.
+ Update Centrelink: Child Care Subsidy and other benefits may change.
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