The time has come to legally end your relationship.
In most cases, people do not need a lawyer to get a divorce. In fact, there is a DIY Divorce Service Kit available from the Federal Circuit and Family Law Court of Australia that will provide you with a step-by-step guide to completing the documentation.
Of course, if you don’t feel safe or need help navigating this process, we are here to help you.
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Want to Speak to a Divorce Expert?
Our team of experts are ready to listen and act on your behalf.
We will listen and provide you with advice and guidance to successfully navigate the Divorce process.
Our team
Katy Jenkins
BA (Hons), LLB (Hons), GDLPKaty holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in philosophy from Macquarie University and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Sydney.
After graduating with Honours from her Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) degree, Katy began her doctorate in philosophy, teaching philosophy and cultural studies at both Macquarie University and the University of New South Wales.
When her first child was just one year old, Katy commenced studying law full time at the University of Sydney. In 2007, she graduated with Honours in Law, then went on to complete a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and did her practical legal training at Marrickville Community Legal Centre.
Katy is a member of the Central Sydney Collaborative Forum and recognised as a collaborative lawyer (a new approach to Separation and Divorce which protects the dignity, integrity and long term best interests of your family).
Since commencing legal practice, Katy has worked in both the community legal sector, including Women's Legal Services NSW and in the private sector.
Katy is passionate about family law and committed to identifying the best pathways for people through the journey of separation and divorce.
Katy's clients appreciate her rigorous and intelligent approach to resolving their family law matters. With Katy, you will receive skilled and honest family law advice and representation.
Lou Kyle
BA, LLB.Lou's interest in the sociology of family lead to her passion for family law. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) and a Bachelor of Law, completed in 2001.
Lou completed her law degree whilst raising two young children and working part-time as a bookkeeper in a women's refuge. Before returning to university to study law , Lou worked as an administrator and financial manager, both in small business (wholesale fashion) and the community sector (environmentally appropriate technologies).
In 2002, at the age of 42, Lou started her family law career working at Legal Aid Western Australia. She went on to gain invaluable insight during a two-year stint as Legal Associate and Appeals Associate for a Judge of the Full Court of the Family Court of Australia and Chief Judge of the Family Court of Western Australia.
Lou spent several years working in boutique family law specialist firms in WA and Sydney, advising and representing clients in negotiations, mediations, and litigation, before opening the doors of Kyle Family Lawyers in 2009. She combined solo practice with a part time role helping clients going through the mediation process with the Sydney City Family Relationships Centre (FRC), as part of a partnership between Inner City Legal Centre and the FRC.
While at Inner City Legal Centre, Lou met Amy McGowan and in 2014 Amy joined Kyle Family Lawyers. On 31 July 2019, Lou and Amy formed their partnership, Kyle & McGowan Family Law which, with the addition of Katy Jenkins, is now known as KMJ Family Law.
Lou's practice of family law is informed, not only by her legal expertise and 2 decades of practice, but also by a richly relevant life’s journey through marriages and divorce, motherhood, family violence, and shared-care parenting after separation.
Since 2014, Lou has known the great pleasure of being a grandparent, which has given her a first-hand refresher course on the care needs and developmental milestones of young children.
Lou has recently completed her training as an Independent Children's Lawyer , and is very much looking forward to working directly with children in her practice.
When problems in your family include domestic violence, drug, and/or alcohol abuse, parenting and mental health concerns, or financial issues, Lou is passionate about helping you to achieve the best outcomes for both you and your children.Dr Delphine Rabet-Bray
Senior Associate
B.Com, M.Com, M.Int. Rel, PhD (Political Economy), J.D.Delphine obtained her qualifications in law from the University of NSW after working for some years in Academia and in the private and public sectors. She gained legal experience working in legal community centres in Sydney, boutique law firms and as a Judge Associate in the District Court.
She is also a French native speaker who can discuss your matter in French and ensure that your communication with your ex-partner, either directly or through the Court, accurately reflects your position and what you want to achieve. Delphine is on the High Court roll and can advise and represent you in any state of Australia.
Delphine was the primary carer of her 2 young children while studying law, she understands the challenges of parenthood and will advocate for your rights and the rights of your children to have your views and your children’s views heard and respected, always aiming for a fair, flexible and timely resolution of the legal issues you are facing.
Delphine is a member of:
- Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia
- Women Lawyers' Association of NSW
- International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
- Collaborative Professionals (NSW) Inc
- Central Sydney Collaborative Forum
- Pacifica Congress
- French-Australian Lawyers Society
- Pride in Law
Les problèmes familiaux qui requièrent une résolution légale sont souvent émotionnellement chargés car ils touchent à des questions très personnelles. Il est probable que vous vous sentiez plus enclin à décrire votre situation et les solutions que vous souhaiteriez trouver dans votre langue maternelle.
Peut-être êtes-vous également inquièt(e) de pouvoir communiquer vos besoins et souhaits en évitant de possible malentendus liés à des différences culturelles ou de faux-amis linguistiques.
Delphine est avocate en droit de la famille, ayant obtenu ses qualifications en Australie, mais de langue maternelle française. Elle vous garantira une communication professionnelle et précise avec votre ex conjoint soit directement soit en vous représentant au tribunal.
Delphine saura vous accompagner et vous guider dans les méandres du système légal australien en vue d’obtenir pour vous et vos enfants le résultat le plus juste et satisfaisant.
Penny Price
Lawyer LLB (Hons)Penny holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) majoring in Social Justice from Macquarie University. After graduating she completed a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and was admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW in May 2023. She is a member of the Law Society of NSW. Throughout her studies, Penny was drawn to the personal nature of family law. She has been working in this field since 2018 and has gained experience in a not-for-profit organisation and a boutique family law firm. Penny has been with KMJ Family Law since September 2022, and continues assisting Katy Jenkins while undergoing supervised legal practice. Having commenced legal studies later in life, Penny’s personal circumstances and maturity provide her with an empathetic approach to resolving family law matters. Her life experiences provide an understanding of cross-cultural issues, and the impacts of divorce, family violence, and addiction. Penny has a blended family with six children ranging in age from 15 to 30 years old, and she understands the complexities of shared-care parenting (and appreciates the benefits of yoga)! Penny ensures clients are well-informed at every stage of their family law matter. She is compassionate and supportive and is committed to assisting individuals going through family changes with integrity and sensitivity.Lara Hogan
ParalegalKMJ Family Law welcomed Lara as a paralegal in 2024. Lara is currently studying a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at Macquarie University and has always aspired to work in family law to apply the dual components of her degree. Lara has a strong interest in the dynamics of families, the impact of separation on children and the application of law within an ethical, compassionate and family-focused framework. In the office, Lara will often greet clients or be working behind the scenes, ensuring high-quality service and assisting senior staff in the management of your case. Out of the office, Lara is an accomplished sportswoman, who referees for Football Australia National Tournaments and Football NSW in the Men’s and Women’s National Premier League Competition. This high-paced and challenging environment speaks to her ability to communicate clearly and confidently under pressure. Lara is also deeply involved in various community and social justice pursuits. She has been a keen puppy raiser for the Guide Dogs and mentored local referees through community football associations. Her articulate, approachable, and professional demeanour ensures a positive experience for our clients. We know you will appreciate Lara’s natural ability to connect with people.
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