Every situation is different but here is our top 10 list of things we suggest you do next.
+ Change your passwords. Do this immediately. Now. All of them. Including your bank pin.
+ Back up your computer. Have you changed your passwords yet?
+ Maintain your well-being. Start by talking to your GP and consider counselling.
+ Record the date you officially separated as you must be separated for one year before you can apply for a divorce,
+ Start a diary so you can keep a record of interactions and negotiations/agreements with your ex-partner. Especially if children are involved.
+ Store your important documents safely e.g. birth certificate, passport, property documents, insurance policies, bank statements, car registration etc
+ Store valuables safely too such as jewellery, artwork etc.
+ Update your important documents: Your Will, Super/Insurance payouts and revoke any power of attorney
+ Separate your money: Open a separate bank account and stop any automatic payments. Cancel joint credit cards, joint loans, utilities etc
You will need to work out who pays what.
+ Let your children’s school know what’s going on.
+ Update Centrelink: Child Care Subsidy and other benefits may change.